Código fuente de 'Calendario emergente 2.asp'

<title>Calendario emergente 2 - Códigos asp, programacion asp, descargas asp, rutinas asp</title>

<body style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9pt">

<center><b><font face="Arial" size="3">Calendario emergente 2</font></b></center><br>

Strval = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
If (Instr(1, Strval, "MSIE", 1) <> 0) Then
<!-- Popup Calendar Stuff -->
<IFRAME STYLE="display:none;position:absolute;width:148;height:194;z-index=100" ID="CalFrame" MARGINHEIGHT=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 NORESIZE FRAMEBORDER=0 SCROLLING=NO SRC="cal/calendar.htm"></IFRAME>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" SRC="cal/calendar.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT FOR=document EVENT="onclick()">
<!-- END Popup Calendar Stuff -->
End If


<form name="myForm" method="post" action="process.asp">
<!-- The Value statement is optional. Only if you want to show a date in the box before choice -->
		<INPUT class=text3 maxLength=12 name=date1 size=9 value="<%= FormatDateTime(now(),2)%>">
<!-- the following if statement checks to make sure the user is using IE -->
Strval = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
If (Instr(1, Strval, "MSIE", 1) <> 0) Then
<!-- Popup Calendar Stuff 
	the arguments are like this
	function(form field,date to highlight,null, date to start at, date to end at)
	dates before the start and after the end cannot be selected.
	it is possible to change the function to only allow dates before a given date 
	it's in calendar.htm change the to a greater than sign 
	in this line: if(i<iBox) {s="baddate.gif";n="bdt";}
	currently, it is set so that you can select anything starting with today <%= FormatDateTime(now(),2)%>
	and ending one year from now <%= FormatDateTime(DateAdd("yyyy", 1, now()),2)%> just change those
	two lines below if you want to include other dates.  This code does not work with netscape.   -->
		<A href="javascript:ShowCalendar(document.myForm.dateimg1,document.myForm.date1,null, '<%= FormatDateTime(DateAdd("yyyy", 0, now()),2)%>', '<%= FormatDateTime(DateAdd("yyyy", 1, now()),2)%>')" onclick=event.cancelBubble=true;><IMG align=top border=0 height=21 id=dateimg1 src="cal/calendar.gif" style="POSITION: relative" width=34></A>
End If
<!-- END Popup Calendar Stuff -->

